Index of Bible Studies

The Normative Hermeneutic
The normative hermeneutic, or normal interpretation, is the foundation of proper Bible study. The only way to arrive at the correct biblical doctrine is by the consistent use and application of these principles of Bible interpretation.

Topical studies

Pauline Apologetics: The Defense of the One Faith
These studies, the result of the 1999 TGF Bible Conference, provide the basis for Paul's distinctive Gospel and how we are to contend for The Faith. Among the topics: the Normative Hermeneutic, Eschatology, Paul's Gospel, and Atheism.

Pauline Eschatology: The Complete Ministry of the 144,000
These studies, developed at the 2000 TGF Bible Conference, provide a thorough and detailed examination of the meaning and significance of the 144,000 described in the Revelation to John and throughout the canon of Scripture.

Pauline Boot Camp Series
This 12-part series is a detailed presentation of the Gospel of salvation for the Body of Christ as it was revealed directly/exclusively to the apostle Paul.

Studies in Romans*
An ongoing study that is currently in progress. Consistent application of the normative hermeneutic has resulted in a re-evaluation of many passages whose meanings have long been taken for granted. The notes will be posted here as they are completed.

Studies in Ephesians*

Studies in Revelation*
The result of 4 years of verse-by-verse exegesis, relying on the Old Testament scriptures upon which the Revelation to John is based. The eschatology of the Nation of Israel, the rise and fall of the AntiChrist, the cleansing of the Land by the Army of Vengeance, and much, much more.

A Dispensational Survey of Scripture Centered Around the Seven Ones of the Body of Christ [DS7]*
A thorough and comprehensive reference work for understanding Paul's Gospel and the salvation of the Body of Christ.

A Survey of the Contrasts Between the Sermon on the Mount and Paul's Gospel*
Currently in progress, this series examines the distinctions between the Nation of Israel and the Body of Christ using the Sermon on the Mount as the basis for comparison. Topical comparisons in this series include ceremonial practices, behavioral issues, the Hopes of God's Elect, the meaning and means of blessing, and more.

*Coming soon

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